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  1. Truman Bethurum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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    Bethurum, Truman, Messages from the People of the Planet Clarion, New Brunswick, NJ: Inner Light Publications, 1995. ISBN 0-938294-55-5. ... - En caché - Similares -
  2. Contactee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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    Contactees have typically reported that they were given messages or profound ..... Bethurum, Truman (1995) "Messages from the People of the Planet Clarion", ... - En caché - Similares -
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  3. Messages from the People of the Planet Clarion: The ...

     - [ Traducir esta página ] Messages from the People of the Planet Clarion: The True Experiences of Truman Bethurum: Arthur Crockett, Timothy Beckley: Books. - En caché - Similares -
  4. Customer Reviews: Messages from the People of the ...

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    Messages from the People of the Planet Clarion: The True Experiences of Truman Bethurum by Arthur Crockett (Paperback - July 1, 1987). $14.95. In Stock ... - En caché - Similares -
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  5. Truman Bethurum: Information from

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    Bethurum, Truman, Messages from the People of the Planet Clarion, New Brunswick, NJ: Inner Light Publications, 1995. ISBN 0-938294-55-5. ... - En caché - Similares -
  6. Messages from the people of the planet Clarion : the true ...

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    Messages from the people of the planet Clarion : the true experiences of Truman Bethurum Preview this item. Preview this item ... - En caché - Similares -
  7. Messages from the People of the Planet Clarion The True ...

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    Get the Book Messages from the People of the Planet Clarion The True Experiences of Truman Bethurum- Arthur Crockett, Timothy Beckley for FREE when you Swap ... - En caché - Similares -
  8. Rent Messages from the People of the Planet Clarion : The True ...

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    While driving to his new place of employment, Truman Bethurum stopped about 70 ... Messages from the People of the Planet Clarion : The True Experiences of ... - En caché - Similares -
  9. Arthur Crockett's Messages From The People Of The Planet Clarion ...

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    Messages From The People Of The Planet Clarion: The True Experiences Of Truman Bethurum for just Rs. 2300. Shipping across India for all Arthur Crockett ... - En caché - Similares -
  10. Powell's Books - Messages from the People of the Planet Clarion ...

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    Messages from the People of the Planet Clarion: The True Experiences of Truman Bethurum Cover. Comment on this title and you could win free books! ... - En caché - Similares -
  11. Truman Bethurum UFO Contactee Pictorial

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    This is the story of the planet Clarion and its race of small but fully ... Bethurum said he was given a message by the aliens for the people of Earth. ... - En caché - Similares -
  12. Messages from the People of the Planet Clarion (Open Library)

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    Messages from the People of the Planet Clarion. The True Experiences of Truman Bethurum. by Arthur Crockett, Timothy Beckley Published in July 1, 1987, ... - En caché - Similares -
  13. Contactees

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    [Bethurum's first book was ghostwritten by Mary Kay Tennison.] A later book by Bethurum, Messages from the People of the Planet Clarion, is still in print. ... - En caché - Similares -
  14. Alien Intervention: The Spiritual Mission of UFOs - Resultado de la Búsqueda de libros de Google

    de Paul Christopher - 1998 - Body, Mind & Spirit - 201 páginas
    July 1952 (Nevada desert): Contactee Truman Bethurum (1898 — 1969) has his first ... with space people who inform him they are from the planet Clarion, ... -
  15. The lure of the edge: scientific passions, religious beliefs, and ... - Resultado de la Búsqueda de libros de Google

    de Brenda Denzler - 2003 - Religion - 313 páginas
    reported an encounter in July 1952 with the stunningly beautiful captain of a spacecraft from the utopian planet Clarion.46 Some time later, in response to ... -
  16. Truman Bethurum : Books : Target Search Results

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    BOOKS brought to you by 1 match for "Truman Bethurum". Messages from the People of the Planet Clarion: The True Experiences of Truman Bethurum ... - En caché - Similares -
  17. Awesome Or Off-Putting: Four 'Classic' Alien Contactees-UFO ...

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    5 Jan 2009 ... Since the 1950s there has been no shortage of people claiming they've been taken up by UFOs. ... telepathic messages were concerned, she was far from alone. ... And let's not forget Truman Bethurum. Of him says: ... human-appearing woman from the hitherto-unknown planet Clarion. ... - En caché - Similares -
  18. Mormon Mesa: UFO Hot Bed - Las Vegas Now |

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    In the midst of the hysteria, the so-called contactees emerged, people like ... Aura told Bethurum all about her planet Clarion and its utopian virtues and hinted that ... When the right time comes they would have a message to help us, ... - Similares -
  19. Aboard a flying saucer. truman Behurum and the hot Capt. Aura ...

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    17 entradas - 11 autores - Última entrada: 25 Oct 2007
    Rhanes also gives him a message written in Chinese. The French letter claims all the ... Bethurum wrote three more books: The Voice of Planet Clarion (1957), Facing Reality (1958) and The People of Planet Clarion (1970). ... - En caché - Similares -
  20. The White Sands Incident, by Daniel W. Fry, page 1

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    Indeed, thousands of years ago his people came to earth and established a .... She's from the planet Clarion, in the same orbit as Earth, but opposite the ... - En caché - Similares -
  21. UFOLOGY BOOKS (REVISION 2.0 332 books ...

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    ... SOLAR CROSS - 1968 MESSAGES FROM OUTER SPACE Jacques Bergier ET INTERVENTION ... Truman Bethurum THE PEOPLE OF THE PLANET CLARION 1970 Truman Bethurum ... - En caché - Similares -
  22. Mormon Mesa: UFO Hot Bed - Las Vegas Now |

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    Why do people see them? What's behind the daily reports all over the country? ... Aura told Bethurum all about her planet Clarion and its utopian virtues ... - Similares -
  23. Awesome Or Off-Putting: Four 'Classic' Alien Contactees | Hecklerspray

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    And let's not forget Truman Bethurum. Of him says: ... and talked with a human-appearing woman from the hitherto-unknown planet Clarion. ... Or as some people believe, either the 'aliens' are affecting the camera or some ... MySpace Trawl – Please Stop Sending Us Crap Messages ... - En caché - Similares -
  24. MAGONIA Supplement No. 35

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    Marian Keech got messages from outer space, specifically "Sanandra of the planet Clarion," predicting an end ... (13) Bethurum indicated Clarion was "entirely invisible from earth, ... may exist at "a vibratory rate that the dense people of Earth cannot see them". ... How midwestern does this message sound to you? ... - En caché - Similares -
  25. The Book Of THoTH :: Site map - Forums module - view topic

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    Aura told Bethurum all about her planet Clarion and its utopian virtues and hinted that ... When the right time comes they would have a message to help us, ... - En caché - Similares -
  26. [PDF]

    UFOlogy Books (Revision 2.0)

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    Truman Bethurum THE PEOPLE OF THE PLANET CLARION 1970 Truman Bethurum FACING ..... and messages are in the Public Domain. If you have an issue with any ... - Similares -
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    "Thousands of select people throughout the world and throughout time have been contacted by these ... This is one of the reasons we have been quarantined on this planet and observed from a ... American, Truman Bethurum author of "Aboard A Flying Saucer" & "Messages of The Planet Clarion", who was a simple truck ... - En caché - Similares -
  28. INNER LIGHT PUBLICATIONS catalogue from Gazelle Book Services

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    MESSAGES FROM THE PEOPLE OF THE PLANET CLARION : The True Experiences of Truman Bethurum [Timothy Green Beckley (ed)] While driving to his new place of ... - En caché - Similares -

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    PEOPLE OF THE PLANET CLARION, Clarkburg, Saucerian Press, 1970 (Contact: Inner Light, Box 753, ... Bethurum, Truman ABOARD A FLYING SAUCER, Los Angeles, De Vorss, 1954 ..... WORLD MESSAGES FOR THE COMING DECADE PROJECT: WORLD EVACUATION ... - En caché - Similares -
  30. UFO News Blog - Current Sightings - Latest News

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    After taking a nap, he awoke to find himself surrounded by little people. ... Aura told Bethurum all about her planet Clarion and its utopian virtues and hinted that we ... When the right time comes they would have a message to help us, ... - En caché - Similares -
  31. [PDF]

    THE ufo CONTACTEE BOOKS ~ AN ANALYSIS Gary Levine, Ph.D ...

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    landed on earth from the planet Clarion (somewhere on the other side .... The title is A-lan's Message to the People of Earth. The publisher ...,Analysis%20UFO%20Contactee%20Books.pdf - Similares -
  32. UFO Contactee Book List - An catalog listing of ET contact titles

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    ... the People of the Planet Clarion: The True Experiences of Truman Bethurum; .... Songs of Malantor: Intergalactic Seed Messages for the People of Planet ... - En caché - Similares -
  33. Archives for UFO Research (AFU)

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    A message from our brothers of the planets Pluto and Jupiter. .... Bethurum, Truman. Bethurum: The people of the planet Clarion. ... - En caché - Similares -
  34. Archives for UFO Research (AFU)

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    A message from our future. Channeled material from an extraterrestrial. 1990. New Solutions Publ., Simi Valley, .... Barton, Michael X.: Rainbow City and the inner earth people. .... Bethurum, Truman: The voice of the planet Clarion. ... - En caché - Similares -
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  35. SkepticReport * Extra-Terrestrial Influence? - An International ...

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    Five messages to mankind from outer space / Fritz Bachman. ...... The people of the planet Clarion / information recorded by Truman Bethurum ; edited and compiled ... The voice of the planet Clarion / Truman Bethurum. - Prescott, Ariz. ... - En caché - Similares -
  36. Blogs - Rick E. Hale:Paranormal researcher, writer ...

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    What I'm looking for are people who have a serious mind and wish to ... If you are interested leave me a message here or send me an e-mail at ..... In 1953 Bethurum was contacted by a group of aliens and their beautiful ... world called Clarion and stated that the planet was in our neighborhood ... - En caché - Similares -
  37. Beyond the Reality Barrier. Gareth J. Medway | MAGONIA

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    [sic] No, I cannot get the name of the planet. These people have been trying ... come through his radio: he interpreted them as messages from space people. .... Aura Rhanes, told Californian Truman Bethurum that her planet Clarion was ... - En caché - Similares -
  38. Notes Towards a Revisionist History of Abductions - Part 2 | MAGONIA

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    He was invited on board where he met a crew of people of both sexes with dark ... of Truman Bethurum on this story as well as on the Hills': the planet ... - En caché - Similares -
  39. The Golden Age of Flying Saucers: Classic UFO Sightings, Saucer ...

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    30 May 2009 ... With its strong spiritual message and its condemnation of ... Aboard a Flying Saucer: Truman Bethurum and the People of the Planet Clarion ... - En caché - Similares -
  40. The Official UFO Quiz

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    When Truman Bethurum mentioned the planet Clarion, .... Unlike many contactees, he did not bring back a religious or apocalyptic message, but came back with ...... Some people in the UFO field and elsewhere, feel that SETI is an extreme ... - En caché - Similares -
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    Upon completion, Van Tassel had planned to escort 10000 people a day into ... to such saucer luminaries as Adamski, Bethurum, Angelucci, Fry, Williamson, Menger, ... What was it that Aura Rhanes from the planet Clarion had said regarding ... Again I recalled the message of the Clarionite, Aura Rhanes: "The water of ... - En caché - Similares -
  42. The Quest for Transcendence: An Ethnography of UFOs in America

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    cryptic messages from the otherworld, and continuein muted ..... Arturo Berlet. Bethurum, Truman. 1970 People of Planet Clarion. Clarksburg, WV: Saucerian. ... - Similares -
  43. From: (Len Bucuvalas) Newsgroups: alt ...

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    Message-ID: <1991Apr10.025020.24433@bilver.uucp> Date: 10 Apr 91 ...... Truman Bethurum THE PEOPLE OF THE PLANET CLARION 1970 Truman Bethurum FACING REALITY ... - En caché - Similares -
  44. Ghostlycast: blogging and podcasting the paranormal, aliens, ghost ...

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    All around our small insignificant planet there are to be found certain locations ..... By 1980, thousands of people, not only in our nation but nations around the ..... If mankind destroyed itself the citizens of Clarion would eventually die out ... At the commune, Bethurum began to preach the message of universal ... - En caché - Similares -
  45. Ghostlycast: blogging and podcasting the paranormal, aliens, ghost ...

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    Trust me I am well aware of this situation and I will say this, people who ..... and christianity became the dominant religion on the planet the concept of ... - En caché - Similares -
  46. Invaders from Elsewhere

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    Of course, people have been seeing strange things in the skies for a long time, globes, .... These included Aboard a Flying Saucer (1954), by Truman Bethurum, who chatted with UFO captain Aura Rhanes from the planet Clarion; ... 1950s contactee literature came from a bewildering variety of planets, but the message ... - En caché - Similares -
  47. America's alternative religions - Resultado de la Búsqueda de libros de Google

    de Timothy Miller - 1995 - Religion - 474 páginas
    Truman Bethurum (1898-1969) also encountered by a flying saucer on the Mojave Desert, though in this case the vehicle was from Clarion, a paradisal world ... -
  48. Archives for UFO Research (AFU)

    Barton, Michael X.: Rainbow City and the inner earth people. .... Bethurum, Truman: The voice of the planet Clarion. 1960. the author, Prescott, Arizona ...,A-C.htm - En caché - Similares -
  49. [PDF]


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    Ramatis: MENSAJES DEL ASTRAL (MESSAGES FROM ASTRAL lORLB). (Kier j Buenos J#res). ... Pauline Sharpe: VISITORS FROM OTHER PLaNETS. (Mark-Age Meta Center :j 32? N.B. 20 Terrace ¡ ... Truman Bethurum: PEOPLE FROM PLACET CLARION. ... - Similares -
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  50. UFO ROUNDUP Volume 5 Number 45

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    "In Italy, two people died in floods and mudslides after torrential rains hit the .... She later told me her name was Aura Rhanes and the planet was Clarion. ... 1970, pages 94 through 98, "I was Inside a Flying Saucer" by Truman Bethurum. ... He has been given a sobering message for humanity: our planet is dying. ... - En caché - Similares -
  51. 1981 Humanoid Sighting Reports

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    He apparently received a telepathic message telling him "not to be afraid. ..... that she hailed from the planet "Clarion" (Shades of Bethurum), and that her name was Ciama. .... There was also a peculiar absence of other people around. ... - En caché - Similares -
  52. ACUFOS - Multiple Realities by Martin Gottschall

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    Truman Bethurum: Visitors from an Invisible Solar World .... "Clarion." "Where is that?" "It is a planet beyond the Moon." ... Science will not yet listen to the ET message which comes via channels not of its choosing. .... difficulties with Adamski's claim that he met people from other planets of our solar system. ... - En caché - Similares -
  53. Anomalist Feature: Still Waiting: The List

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    David Ankenbrandt was given one week to deliver a message to the ... Truman Bethurum jotted down some impressions he received during his visits with the people of Clarion. ... Lastly, and tragically, Bethurum was wrong in predicting the ...... "In the coming decade the people on your planet will be prepared for the ... - En caché - Similares -
  54. Aliens in America

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    And are aliens really abducting people from their beds and cars, examining, probing, and tracking them through implants? ... Reporting the aliens' messages, whether delivered in person or ... Truman Bethurum, for example, explained that the Clarionites feared humans would destroy their own planet in a nuclear war ... - En caché - Similares -
  55. UFOs close encounters crashes abductions John Spencer ASSAP

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    It ordered the radio station not to transmit the message and stop ... Truman Bethurum met aliens from a location on the dark side of the moon, called Clarion. ... aliens from two different places, one was the previously-mentioned Clarion. ..... People are making UFOs their toy to play with to develop their minds. ... - En caché - Similares -
  56. Utomjordiska kontakter > Clarion som egalitär utopi > Passagen Debatt

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    3 entradas - 3 autores
    Nu, mer än 46 år senare, har jag just läst ut ”Messages from the people of the planet Clarion: The true experiences of Truman Bethurum”. ... - Similares -
  57. Mind, Body, Spirit: UFOs Among the Stars: Close ...

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    ... of the Presidents: The Spiritual Destiny of America Revealed · Messages from the People of the Planet Clarion: True Experiences of Truman Bethurum ... - En caché - Similares -
  58. 69 - UFOs

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    Allies of Humanities-An Urgent Message About the Extraterrestrial Presence in ..... Davenport, Marc. Voice Of The Planet Clarion, The. Bethurum, Truman .... Very Special People: The Real Lives Of Human Oddities, Their Loves And Triumphs ... - En caché - Similares -
  59. "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier: An English-Language Bibliography

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    1954/1955/1958 DeVorss & Co. Publishers, 192 pages, ISBN 7277199193. Messages from the People of the Planet Clarion: The True Experiences of Truman Bethurum ... - En caché - Similares -
  60. How to Make the Most of a Flying Saucer Experience - page 17

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    She talked about her home planet. Bethurum would learn (during this and subsequent contacts with Rhanes) that Clarion is a utopia. It has no poverty, ... - En caché - Similares -
  61. How to Make the Most of a Flying Saucer Experience

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    She talked about her home planet. Bethurum would learn (during this and ...... That message the Space People gave you? Write it up and publish it. ... - En caché - Similares -
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  62. UFO Casebook - Anatomy of a Conundrum

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    *Totally FREE 24/7 Access *Your Nickname and Avatar *Private Messages ...... Aura Rhanes claimed to have come from a world hidden behind our moon called Clarion. ... They apparently did not hold a high opinion of us but, wrote Bethurum, .... to another planet as Wilkinson had told people prior to his departure that ... - En caché - Similares -
  63. Daniel Fry Dot Com: Rode In Space Ships

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    The Scow from Clarion - 108. Truman Bethurum going aboard the Scow - 1o9 ... Astronomers tell us that life is impossible on any other planet in the Solar System. .... Although these people are quite harmless in themselves, they do a great .... from Outer Space ") but he goes as far as claiming to repeat messages ... - En caché - Similares -
  64. Daniel Fry Dot Com: Understanding Volume 1 Number 5

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    A HAPPY THOUGHT FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD. The idea of the Sanctuary of Thought was given to me by Captain Aura Rhanes of the planet Clarion who appeared ... - En caché - Similares -
  65. Truman Bethurum

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    Bethurum, Truman, "Messages from the People of the Planet Clarion", New Brunswick, NJ: Inner Light Publications, 1995. ISBN 0-938294-55-5. ... - En caché - Similares -
  66. UFOLOGY BOOKS (REVISION 2.1 343 books ...

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    MESSAGES FROM OUTER SPACE. Jacques Bergier ET INTERVENTION - THE EVIDENCE 1974 ... Truman Bethurum THE PEOPLE OF THE PLANET CLARION 1970 ... - Similares -
  67. Keith Fitzpatrick-Matthews's UFO pages

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    According to Capt Rhanes, she had come from the planet Clarion, ... to the idyllic – and Christian – Clarion, where war is unknown and where people live to ... - En caché - Similares -
  68. Alien Doors: Books: Messages from the People of the Planet Clarion ...

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    Messages from the People of the Planet Clarion: The True Experiences of Truman Bethurum - General - Books - Book and gift store for UFO enthusiasts. - En caché - Similares -

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    They also vanished suddenly before the eyes of over 200 people who were there at ..... Aura told Bethurum all about her planet Clarion and its utopian virtues and ...... Radio messages show that some of the students wanted to fly east, ... - En caché - Similares -
  70. '俈' - 네이트 사전

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    Bethurum, Truman, Messages from the People of the Planet Clarion, New Brunswick, NJ: Inner Light Publications, 1995. ISBN 0-938294-55-5. ... - En caché - Similares -
  71. AAPD

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    Messages from the People of the Planet Clarion: The True Experiences of Truman Bethurum. AC, Dabb, Richard and Levin, Michael Peter. 1990. ... - En caché - Similares -
  72. PRG Bibliography - C

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    New York: Dale Books. AC, Crockett, Arthur and Beckley, Timothy. Messages from the People of the Planet Clarion: The True Experiences of Truman Bethurum. ... - En caché - Similares -
  73. NationMaster - Encyclopedia: List of contactees

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    Typically, contactees reported that they were given messages or profound .... Bethurum, Truman (1995) "Messages from the People of the Planet Clarion", ... - En caché - Similares -
  74. The Admiral's Scow

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    DRAWING OF SPACE SHIP - Shows dimensions of flying saucer from the planet Clarion, reportedly seen by Bethurum last year. He said the "scow" appeared to be ... - En caché - Similares -
  75. Oliveloveu: Olive 楊- My profile -

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    號角(Clarion)行星系統 (譯註: Clarion是一個由人類種族構成的星球。”Messages from the People of the Planet Clarion: The True Experiences of Truman Bethurum” 這 ... - En caché - Similares -
  76. My blog - Oliveloveu: Olive 楊- My profile -

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    號角(Clarion)行星系統 (譯註: Clarion是一個由人類種族構成的星球。”Messages from the People of the Planet Clarion: The True Experiences of Truman Bethurum” 這 ... - En caché - Similares -
  77. stampa libro | BETHURUM, MESSAGES FROM THE PEOPLE OF ...

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    BETHURUM, MESSAGES FROM THE PEOPLE OF THE PLANET CLARION ,Romanzo, tesi, saggio, racconto, poesie...crea e stampa il tuo libro in pochi minuti. - En caché - Similares -
  78. INNER LIGHT - Libri Editore INNER LIGHT - Edizioni INNER LIGHT

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    BETHURUM · MESSAGES FROM THE PEOPLE OF THE PLANET CLARION · INNER LIGHT € 22,72. Disponibilità: Normalmente disponibile in 20 giorni ... - En caché - Similares -
  79. 小方栗子的觉醒

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    号角(Clarion)行星系统(译注: Clarion是一个由人类种族构成的星球。”Messages from the People of the Planet Clarion: The True Experiences of Truman Bethurum” 这 ... - En caché - Similares -
  80. AARP Online Community: TZ - My Journals & Blogs

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    These included Aboard a Flying Saucer (1954), by Truman Bethurum, who chatted with UFO captain Aura Rhanes from the planet Clarion; Secret of the Saucers ... - En caché - Similares -
  81. [PDF]

    Invaders from Elsewhere

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    Bethurum, who chatted with UFO captain Aura Rhanes from the planet Clarion; Secret of the Saucers (1955) by Orfeo. Angelucci who once met a space-babe named ... - Similares -
  82. [paranormal_stuff] some very interesting paranormal books for you ...

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    Messages From The People Of The Planet Clarion, by the true experiences of Truman Bethurum 14. Life Between Death & Rebirth, by Rudolf Steiner 15. ... - En caché - Similares -
  83. RootsWeb: FOLKLORE-L [FOLKLORE-L] Kooky Kontactee Kults

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    Bethurum, who chatted with UFO captain Aura Rhanes from the planet Clarion; Secret of the Saucers (1955) by Orfeo Angelucci who once met a space-babe ... - En caché - Similares -
  84. Messages from the People of the Planet Clarion: The True ...

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    Messages from the People of the Planet Clarion: The True Experiences of Truman Bethurum - Jämför priserna hos drygt 90 internetbutiker! - Similares -
  85. The Secret Rituals of the Men in Black

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    Our Johannism goes back to the beginnings of “contacteeism” on Planet Earth. .... These messages spoke of Aeons-old communication between human and Ultraterrestrial forces ...... such as those of Dan Fry, Truman Bethurum and Orfeo Angelucci, ..... You from Clarion, Baavi, Ashtar, Baavi, in Space. Manco! Omodra! ... - En caché - Similares -
  86. Inside Saucer Post 3-0 Blue

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    These people believed that this report in itself was proof enough to officially ...... the "Scow's" captain, had graciously written a message for Bethurum. ... - En caché - Similares -
  87. ufo - UFOS at close sight: URECAT-000542 - September 29, 1959 ...

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    Telepathic messages from their planet later. ..... enveloped their planet, an idea similar to [self-proclaimed contactee] Truman Bethurum's Clarion planet. ... - En caché - Similares -
  88. The UFO experience has seemed for many fraught with spiritual or ...

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    "we must choose between spreading the message and the geniocracy. ..... Reading Truman Bethurum's tales of his intercourse with people from planet Clarion, ... - En caché - Similares -
  89. Contactees | books tagged Contactees | LibraryThing

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    ... Aboard a flying saucer: Non-fiction; a true story of… by Truman Bethurum (1) ... Messages from the People of the Planet Clarion: The True… by Arthur ... - En caché - Similares -
  90. Alibris: 9780938294559

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    Messages From the People of the Planet Clarion: True Experiences of Truman Bethurum · other copies of this book. price: $37.72. Ships from UNITED KINGDOM ... - En caché - Similares -
  91. [PDF]

    SECRET CIPHER of the ufonauts

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    Bethurum, Truman, became a contactee in 1952, with the female. ufonaut Aura Rhanes from the planet. Clarion. A physical contactee of the Ad- ... - Similares -
  92. Inner Light - Global Communications

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    Arthur Crockett, Messages from the People of the Planet Clarion: The True Experiences of Truman Bethurum, 0. Dragonstar, Candle Magick Divination : Good ... - En caché - Similares -
  93. Price Compare The People of the Planet Clarion Truman. (Edited By ...

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    Title: The People of the Planet Clarion Author: Truman. (Edited By Beckley, Timothy Green) Bethurum Release: 1970. Format: Paperback ... - En caché - Similares -
  94. Sitemap

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    9780938294559 0938294555 Messages from the People of the Planet Clarion - True Experiences of Truman Bethurum, Timothy Green Beckley ... - En caché - Similares -
  95. [PDF]


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    noted before, the planet Venus was called Lucifer by the Roman people (in Latin, Lucifere means " .... physical contact(s) but rather psychic messages and ... - Similares -
  96. Timothy Green: Books

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    Messages from the People of the Planet Clarion: True Experiences of Truman Bethurum by Timothy Green Beckley (Paperback - Dec 1995). from £10.68 ... - En caché - Similares -
  97. Still Waiting: A List of Predictions from the "UFO Culture"

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    Truman Bethurum jotted down some impressions he received during his visits with the people of Clarion. These include the absence of atomic wars, ... - En caché - Similares -
  98. Arthur Crockett Books (Used, New, Out-of-Print) - Alibris UK

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    Messages From the People of the Planet Clarion: the True Experiences of Truman Bethurum. by Arthur Crockett. add to wishlist · see all copies from £11.10! ... - En caché - Similares -
  99. Arthur Crockett Books - Strange And Unknown Facts About The Life ...

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    Messages From The People Of The Planet Clarion: The True Experiences Of Truman Bethurum by Arthur Crockett Format: Paperback Price: Rs.2300 Imported Edition ... - En caché - Similares -
  100. UFO Religions - Resultado de la Búsqueda de libros de Google

    de Christopher Hugh Partridge - 2003 - Religion - 383 páginas
    ... 1992. , Messages from the People of the Planet Clarion: The True Experiences of Truman Bethurum, New Brunswick, Inner Light Publications, 1995. ... -

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